Alicia Schrowe, Passenger in 1957
Upon coming across the internet I Alicia Schrowe, read with great interest the information about the SS United States Ship, on which I also was a passenger. I immigrated from England, together with a girl friend Marilyn Smith on April 11 1957, via New York to Canada. Due to the fact that my booking was a last minute, arrangement I had the good fortune to get a berth, shared with 3 more ladies in a state room on the main deck with a port hole window. The berths were very clean and comfortable, we shared a roomy vanity with a mirror and on the other side was a little sink for a quick wash plus a tiny tap for drinking water. Very clean washrooms were further along the gangway, also our dining room.

Alicia on deck enjoys the sun before the weather turned stormy.
There were elevators for more decks below, in one of the state rooms where my friend Marilyn Smith was booked. We enjoyed lovely prepared drinks in a cozy bar, and could help ourselves to read “The Ocean News” in another recreational facility and were thoroughly spoiled by the dining room staff who served us wonderful meals at long carefully set tables. To this day I have kept a dining menu and also kept a passenger list to remember this remarkable voyage that opened another chapter in prednisone my life. I could hardly believe the news on the internet and also in The Toronto Daily Star about the events that befell this beautiful ship and sincerely wish with all my heart that it will be restored and duly displayed as a museum ship or similar exhibit.
Alicia on deck enjoys the sun before tadalafil the weather turned stormy.