Yes, there are sites like Ancestry that are great and I just adore, I am not going to lye! I have been a faithful World Member since 2010 and it has helped me immensely get in touch with people who too, are researching family members in my tree.  But there are other ways to research that are TOTALLY FREE …

Lately when researching my family tree, and wanted to save something I would right click, it would say









You Probably have been using this already for finding ” How to projects ” for the house, finding recipes and or posting them yourself.  What do I like about Pinterest is that its FREE!!  Whats the saying ” A picture says 1000 words!” Well, using this tool is just that.  Think about it.  There are so many people on the internet these days and they post everything from




I love using this tool especially if I know what the person looks like but don’t have any information on them but a name.


“Picture it, Sicily 1922 ”  You may not watch the Golden Girls much but everyone one knows this famous line from this show.  Well, when researching you hear stories like this one and more all the time from family members, if you are lucky they want to participate.  Think about it.  Its a family tale, you don’t know what part is fact and what part is fiction but you know there is some truth to it in someway .

Wanting to learn more you turn your PC on and do a google search possibly picking up a few other people with the same name in that area during that time

in the same state

in other states

or find out the the name is so common there are just a gazillion people out there with the same common name.  So then you go back and look at what ” YOU KNOW  TO BE TRUE”

the name you were told by your family member

the city or country they came from

the time period

So, thats when I hit FACEBOOK.  What do I know about facebook, its free to register and there are millions of people using it. So what do I do.  I go up to the search bar and type the last name or the family members name to find out if there is anyone with that last name living prednisone in that same area and send them a friendly message through ” Messenger” and it has become a very useful tool.

Here is an example that I recently messaged someone

Hi best generic levitra overnight there. My name is Tanja.   We do not know each other by name or in person, but I am working on our family tree and saw that you had the same last name and lived in the same area, so I thought you and I might be related.  I was hoping we might be able to work together and maybe you could give me some more information…

The person I am researching is

Joseph Francis Campbell
BIRTH 20 SEP 1930 • New Brunswick, New Jersey
DEATH 7 MAY 2006 • Jackson, Ocean, New Jersey

his parents

Maynard Kenneth Campbell
Catherine Buckley

married to

Jacqueline Ann McKenna ( I can not find anything on her.. do you happen to have any information on her )
BIRTH Unknown
DEATH Living

Joseph R McKenna

they have two kids

Catherine Campbell 1967–
Kenneth R. Campbell

I am sorry to bother you and if you are not interested, I understand .  I hope we are related and look forward to hearing from you … 🙂 Have a great evening.. and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Tanja




Google Plus just like the Famous Yahoo and Bing years ago is one of the famous web browsers and just like Facebook, it can be used the same way as I have stated above tadalafil overnight delivery canada just my simply researching peoples GOOGLE PLUS accounts and then messaging them the same way.