Leanord Walter Blatherwick


Leonard Walter Blatherwick was born in July 1900 in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire to Florence Georgina Shacklock, age 23, and William Ernest Blatherwick, age 23.


Leonard Walter Blatherwick lived in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, in 1901.

Relation to Head of House: Son


1901 Census



Birth of Brother

Leonard Walter’s brother Joseph was born on July 14, 1909, in Nottinghamshire when Leonard Walter was 9 years old.

Birth of Brother

Leonard Walter’s brother William Ernest was born on December 29, 1910, in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire when Leonard Walter was 10 years old.


Leonard Walter Blatherwick lived in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, on April 2, 1911.

1911 Census

1911 Census

Walter Leonard Blatherwick
Age in 1911: 10
Estimated birth year: abt 1901
Relation to Head: Son
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Nottinghamshire, England
Civil Parish: Nottingham
Search Photos: Search for ‘Nottingham’ in the UK City, Town and Village Photos collection
County/Island: Nottinghamshire
Country: England
Street address: 25 Howard St Nottingham
Registration district: Nottingham
Registration District Number: 430
Sub-registration district: Nottingham North East
ED, institution, or vessel: 11
Piece: 20551
Household Members:
Name Age
Wiliam Ernest Blatherwick 34
Florence Georgina Blatherwick 34
Walter Leonard Blatherwick 10
Joseph Blatherwick 1
William Ernest Batherwick 3/12

England Heatwave 1911

Leonard Walter Blatherwick was living in England when a summer heatwave swept across the country in 1911.

Death of Mother

Leonard Walter’s mother Florence Georgina Shacklack passed away in December 1911 in Nottinghamshire, at the age of 35.

British Propaganda during World War I

Leonard Walter Blatherwick was probably exposed to World War I propaganda while living in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire.


Leonard Walter Blatherwick married Florence Aplin in December 1923 in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, when he was 23 years old.







Leanord William Blatherwich marriage to Applin

Leanord William Blatherwich marriage to Applin



Leanord William Blatherwich marriage to Applin

Leanord William Blatherwich marriage to Applin


Birth of Son

His son William Walter Blatherwick was born on January 22, 1925, in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire.

Death of Wife

His wife Florence passed away in March 1948 in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, at the age of 47. They had been married 24 years.

Death of Father

Leonard Walter’s father William Ernest passed away in March 1951 in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, at the age of 73.

Death of Brother

Leonard Walter’s brother William Ernest died on October 10, 1963, in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire when Leonard Walter was 63 prednisone years old.


Leonard Walter Blatherwick died in 1967 in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, when he was 67 years old.









Name: Leonard W Blatherwick
Birth Date: abt 1901
Date of Registration: Mar 1967
Age at Death: 66
Registration district: Nottingham
Inferred County: Nottinghamshire
Volume: 3c
Page: 379