Archive | April 2017

Waist training 

Trying something new .. it’s not on too tight it’s called a waist trainer.. I love how it helps my back supporting it.. 
Weighed myself today went from 177 to 182 .. not happy with myself at all … 
Here goes nothing 

Our Fourth Wedding Anniversary

Its our Fourth Wedding Anniversary.. husband set the alarm as usual for 430 in the morning ..lights on and everything .. us ( well him ) not getting up until aroudn 6 … why I DONT KNOW … I still say he would have more time getting up when the alarm goes off… 🙂 but I say nothing



Its out 4rth Wedding anniversary today … 🙂 and yes .. even with all of his quirks I LOVE HIM.  Today .. its a rainy day … drizzly outside… going to be in the 60s.. I was hoping al ittle warmer.. but the summer weather is on its way! .. The Next Couple of days its going to be in the 80s!!! 🙂 YEY.. I just love the summer time.


It's our fourth wedding anniversary … I still think.. what it will be like 50 years from now …. looking at other couples around me…. I love you James Markgraf xxxooo

Posted by Tanja Jasmine Elizabeth Markgraf on Wednesday, April 26, 2017


I am going to be 40 in a few months… and still think of nizagara what life will be like when we are in our 80s …. what will our marriage be like.  I see these  loving couples around me… and then those NOT SO LOVING ( but know it will not be like that ) …


A few of our Honeymoon and Wedding Memories… 🙂




Who said chocolate can’t do a body good….as long as prednisone its whey protein.. especially for woman…

Thank you Jamie Eason … Dunkin’ Donuts … with my auto iq ninja I made a ❤️healthy breakfast …
💋Dunkin dark coffee
💋Jamie Eason lean whey protein
💋almond milk
And pure love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Place in the ninja iq and set to
Smooth boost
Auto iq

Watch the ninja do it’s magic!!!