The ramp at RM with the famous 1274 in winter.

1988 Tim Langley, Coach Warren Stanley and Jay Gregson….
Warren T Kane Was stationed there from 1985 until 1992 as a C-130E Flight Engineer, and then retired and stayed one more year before returning to the states in 1993….Was Blest to be there and we enjoyed Germany so much…

Was there ’95-’98. This was my going flight going away send off in front of the tower. Good times!

Anita Brantley Bennett Stationed there from 1980-1983. LE Patrolman. Last duty was Project ID. Saw many things through those years from homicide to a jet crash from open house and watched the hostages return and body bags. Loved it being there because I got to visit my family in Nuremberg. Really hated seeing it close. I am at the bottom right Anita Brantley Bennett

Langen Terrace Housing 60-64 Pic is of me under the yellow balloon and Morgaine Mary Beck under the white with the white collar (her sister Susan next to me was my best friend back then) I did not see this pic until Nov. 2014 when she asked if I recognized anyone in the photo!!!!!!!! Mimi Hayes

Postcard – American hostages landing at RMAB “On January 20, 1981, the American hostages held during the Iran hostage crisis were flown to Rhein-Main in a C-9 Nightingale aeromedical aircraft.”

Carl Kidder I left in August of 1972 thru the terminal. An MP wanted to have us open our luggage to check so my wife opened hers and to save space had tampons on top. They fell out the MP turned red and said thank you.

Donated by Tim Langley commented by saying …7th SOS….MC130E, 0523.
Bryan Cockerham I remember asking dad one morning as we entered the base, “did the government really pay all this money to train guys to check id’s?” he says, “no son, this is how the air force punishes its enlisted who get out of line at the nco club over the weekend prior”…lol
Marvin Wise Was there from Nov 76 to Apr 80. Loved it.
Tony Neal Stationed there from 1989-1992 in the Army in the 21st. Replacement. it was a awesome time. I went to the Galaxy club a lot and went to the midnite chow in the Airforce chow hall and was so much good food, and good people too!
Miklos Kiss This was my first Air Force assignment in 1991. I love that place. Thank you for posting some great memories
Nestor Colon There prednisone from 86 to 90, lived in Dietzenbach and Gateway Housing. FMS squadron anionics shop, Saw many things like the fall of the dollar, Chernobyl’s fallout cloud, the attack on Lybia, poisoned Italian wines and untimately, the fall of the Berlin wall. What a time in history to have been there and witness all those events in real life.
James Edward Rankin Sr. Our family was one of the first families to live in the housing area when it opened in the summer of 81. Before that we lived in the high rises
Denise Perigo Neilson Rhein Main Airport and base has a long history. The small town outside the base, Zeppeleinheim was rightly named. Not until I left Rhein Main did I learn that the h u g e hangar building onbase ( brick ?) actually housed the Hindenburg. The photo of the Hindenburg, with Nazi swastika on the rudder, tied up to the hangar doors is eye-popping;regretfully I do not have a copy of that picture. ” On August 16, 1936, the LZ 129 Hindenburg was in her hangar at Rhein-Main airfield, with her crew making final preparations for her seventh westward flight across the North Atlantic. Now well into the sixth month of her operational life, the Hindenburg had already surpassed the expectations of her designers, her crew and, perhaps most of all, the passengers who flew aboard her enjoying first-class service on what was, at the time, the fastest mode of transportation across the ocean. ” The quote and photo is from this site:http://projektlz1
I was stationed at Rhein Main 1961 – 1963 – I remember a Gasthaus in Zeppeleinheim next to the railroad crossing and had many pictures on the wall of Zeppelein pilots Thanks Denise for the memories

David Skiba
Rhein Main Air Base, 1971-1973.
Rhein Main Jr High Class Pix, 1965 & 1966. 9th Grade: Mr Hendrick’s Homeroom. 10th Grade: Mr Brauer’s Homeroom. 9th Grade will have your very own signature. 10th grade tadalafil will have your name in my sloppy 14 yr old writing.