Military Lynne Allen Babbitt Esse, best maps ever for exploring, castles, churches, ruins and other wonderful sites. Best way to find points of interest follow a tour bus. Great fun traveling in Europe, brotchen, bottle of Chianti all you need to enjoy the scenery. Michael McAmis I sure do! Mary Theriot My Dad’s name was Esso lol and we sure did love picking on him smile emoticon Mike Smith I remember when we switched from the coupon book to the card. I filled up in the Netherlands once at an Esso and then found out that particular Esso didn’t accept the coupons even though the book said Germany and Netherlands. Found out that in the Netherlands it was only at “participating” Essos. Cost me a fortune. Sol Greear coffee & tea ration coupons too! Eve Slater Monroe Yes always used them while we were statuined there,cause I went to my hometown quite a bit John Mcglocklin Once caught a station with 20, 000 Lts worth of unused coupons he bought from a soldier. Was easy to catch the guy. Just call Munich AAFES HQ and see where the books were sold, (they had serial numbers) then went to that PX and got the names of everyo…See More Richard McKitty Greene I Hell yeah. However, if you were stationed near a quartermaster gas station, the gas was a lot cheaper. Gregg Nash I didn’t have a car when i was there. Steve Libbon Ration cards for alcohol and cigarettes Bob Zenno Natuerlich mit meinen V 8 motoren. .grind. man.konnte auch welchen fuer Otalien. usw prednisone einreichen fuet den Urlaub.