Hi. When I moved here I was Tanja Boehme just a little 5 year old .. and LOVED IT!!! that was back in the 1980s… Im starting a webpage about memoies in Medford NJ .. :)please please please share away .. and tell anyone who might be interested
my email is [email protected] if you wish to participate … I grew up in Oakwood Drive … attending the Octogon School of Learning .. went to Taunton Forge then Cranberry Pines and then back to Taunton Forge .. then I went to Medford Memorial while my brother 11 years older attended Lenape High Schoool … I grew up here … and just LOVE this town … I am looking for new and Old photos.. stories.. video.. anything you might want to share.. please feel free prednisone to share this post with anyone and anyone Thanks Janice for contributing…

Kirby’s Wedding from 1899.

Once called tadalafil CheckCord Farm off of Branin Road. This photo was probably taken after 1970 and before 1985.

Kirbys Mill

Attending Girl Scouts 1980s