Henry Jocelyn Wingfield


When Henry Jocelyn Wingfield was born on November 26, 1863, in Buckinghamshire, his father, Edward, was 40 and his mother, Frances, was 36.


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  • 26 NOV



    Henry Jocelyn Wingfield was born on November 26, 1863, in Buckinghamshire to Frances Emily Rice, age 36, and Edward Ffolliott Wingfield, age 40.



Death of Mother

Henry Jocelyn’s mother Frances Emily passed away on November 26, 1863, in Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, at the age of 36.



Death of Father

Henry Jocelyn’s father Edward Ffolliott passed away on September 26, 1865, at the age of 42.


Henry Jocelyn Wingfield lived in Great Barrington, Gloucestershire, in 1881.

Relationship to Head: Brother



Henry Jocelyn Wingfield married Sybil Mary Kerr Pechell on June 12, 1889, when he was 25 years old.


Death of Brother

Henry Jocelyn’s brother Francis John Trevor died on September 4, 1889, when Henry Jocelyn was 25 years old.  1851–1889..4 Sep 1889 • London, Middlesex, , England


Death of Brother

Henry Jocelyn’s brother Charles George Lewis died on March 26, 1890, in Bedford, Bedfordshire when Henry Jocelyn was 26 years old…1850–1890


Birth of Daughter

His daughter Dorothy Maud was born on May 8, 1890, in Turvey, Bedfordshire…Dorothy Maud Wingfield…1890–1922


Birth of Daughter

His daughter Jocelyn Sybil was born on July 12, 1891, in Bedford, Bedfordshire….Jocelyn Sybil Wingfield…1891–1975



Henry Jocelyn Wingfield lived in Turvey, Bedfordshire, in 1891.

Relation to Head of House: Head










Birth of Son

His son Granville Harry was born in January 1893 in Bedford, Bedfordshire….Granville Harry Wingfield…1893–1916


Birth of Son

His son Bryan F was born about 1894, in Turvey, Bedfordshire….Bryan F Wingfield 1894–1935


Death of Brother

Henry Jocelyn’s brother Edward Rhys died on March 14, 1901, when Henry Jocelyn was 37 years old.

Women’s Social and Political Union

When Henry Jocelyn Wingfield was living in Adlestrop, Gloucestershire in 1911, the fight for women’s suffrage had turned militant.



Henry Jocelyn Wingfield lived in Adlestrop, Gloucestershire, on April 2, 1911.

Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head





The National Insurance Act of 1911

With the passage of the National Insurance Act in 1911, Henry Jocelyn Wingfield may have been among the first to contribute to the new prednisone government-backed insurance system.


Death of Son

His son Granville Harry passed away on July 12, 1916, in France, at the age of 23….Granville Harry tadalafil Wingfield…1893–1916


Death in France Second LieutenantKing's Royal Rifle Corps Age23

Death in France Second LieutenantKing’s Royal Rifle Corps Age23





Henry Jocelyn Wingfield died on September 5, 1919, in Stow on the Wold, Gloucestershire, when he was 55 years old.
