When Wilhelmine Mente was born on June 3, 1851, her father, Johann, was 31, and her mother, Sophia, was 28. She married Julius Otto Heinrich Pinnow on December 23, 1878, in Germany. They had two children during their marriage. She died on July 4, 1900, in Berlin, Berlin, Germany, at the age of 49.
On Ancestry.com it has her listed also as Wente .. so if you find this information with the last name Wente .. it might be because of the mispelling … yet another one.. but in finding your ancestors .. it happens alot… so dont get discouraged …
Wilhelmine Mente (1851 – 1900)
2nd great-grandmother
2nd great-grandmother
Bertha Auguste Pinnow (1879 – 1963)
daughter of Wilhelmine Mente
daughter of Wilhelmine Mente
Erna Martha Hedwig Hohenhaus (1899 – 1978)
daughter of Bertha Auguste Pinnow
daughter of Bertha Auguste Pinnow
Dietmar Wolfgang Gerhard Boehme (1940 – )
son of Erna Martha Hedwig Hohenhaus
son of Erna Martha Hedwig Hohenhaus
3 Juni 1851
Birth of Brother Heinrich Friedrich Joachim Mente(1851–1921)
25 Aug 1851 • Bothmer u Klütz, Mecklenburg, Deutschland
Birth of Sister Anna Christina Sophia Mente(1853–)
17 Nov 1853 • Bothmer, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany
Birth of Brother Johann Friedrich Gotthard Mente(1856–)
03 Apr 1856 • Kl Pravtshagen, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Deutschland
Birth of Sister Christina Maria Dorothea Mente(1858–1867)
8 Jun 1858 • Bothmer, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany
Birth of Brother Johann Friedrich Karl Mente(1860–1911)
16 Sept 1860 • Klein Pravtshagen, Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Birth of Sister Elisabeth Sophia Catharina Mente(1862–1888)
26 Sep 1862 • Bothmer u Klütz, Mecklenburg, Deutschland
Death of Sister Christina Maria Dorothea Mente(1858–1867)
28 Sep 1867 • Klütz (Bothmer), Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany
Death of Sister Anna Dorothea Elisabeth Mente(1849–1874)
14 May 1874 • Klütz (Bothmer), Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany
it used to be called Kratznick, Kreis Arnswalde [Wilhelmine Meute]
23 Dez 1878 • Kallies, Preußen
Julius Otto Heinrich Pinnow
Birth of Daughter Bertha Auguste Pinnow(1879–1963)
3 Okt 1879 • Kallies, Preußen
Death of Father Johann Heinrich Gottlieb Mente(1820–1882)
7 Mai 1882 • Klütz (Bothmer), Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany
Death of Sister Elisabeth Sophia Catharina Mente(1862–1888)
abt 1888
Birth of Daughter Hedwig Johanna Emilie Pinnow(1893–)
15 Mai 1893 • Kallies, Preußen
Death of Mother Sophia Dorothea Christiana Evert(1823–1893)
20 May 1893 • Friedrichshagen prednisone Grevesmuhlen, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany
Dec 2 1899 • Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland
Petersburgerstr. 80
4 Juli 1900 • Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland