When Corporal James Matlack was born on February 14, 1791, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, his father, William, was 31 and his mother, Hannah, was 31. He married Catherine Elizabeth Ristine(Richstein) and they had two children together. He then married Hannah Carmalt and they had nine children together. He died on June 24, 1849, in Carroll, Pennsylvania, at the age of 58.

War 1812,Maryland Society 001 EDIT 27 June 2012 Baltimore,Maryland James Matlack,Corporal in Captain Wm. J. Ttotter’s 3rd Company,1st Battalion,1st Regiment,14 Sep1814 to 03 Jan 1815.

James Matlack Notes
James Matlack,Elizabeth Ristine Marriage & Children 001
1766-1830 & 1893
James Matlack born 14 Feb 1791,son of William & Hanna Matlack & children Timothy Carmalt,John Ristine,William M. & Thomas Matlack

James Matlack,Elizabeth Ristine Marriage & Children 001
1766-1830 & 1893
James prednisone Matlack born 14 Feb 1791,son of William & Hanna Matlack & children Timothy Carmalt,John Ristine,William M. & Thomas Matlack

Collections of The Genealogical Society of Pennsylvana 001
Old Coles Church
Genealogical Notes Collected-Asa Matlack- Records found tadalafil at the Gloucester County Historical Society on Film #s G929.1-GEN-7 & G929.1- CLE-1